

Pattertn パターンとは、会話でよく使う文のパターン
Expression 表現とは、文の中でよく使う便利な道具のようなもの。
Grammar 文法、単語をどのように並べれば意味のある分になるのかのルール集。



Scene1 You're lacking in delicacy! デリカシーがないんだから!
P Plese knock on the door
E You're looking forward to that
G 現在進行形 You're lacking delicacy

Scene2 I prefer dad's cooking. パパの料理が好き。
P I'd like to have pancakes
E both mom and dad
G  Which would you like,Pancakes or cereal?

Scene3 I Like the ice cream here better than anywhere else. このアイスクリームが何より好きさ。
P  I like the ice cream・・・
E  As for Ice cream アイスクリームに関しては
G  what flavors shall I have?

Scene4 How about Japanese food? 日本食にしようか?
P  How about Japanese food?
E It's nothing to do with me!
G something to make mom angry

Scene5 You have to do all the work. きみが働かなくちゃいけないから。
P Would you like something to drink
E now that I'm unenployed
G Something smells good.

Scene6 Can I ask you a faver? お願いがあるんだけど。
P  Why don't we go jogging
E go jogging
G there is a wonderful fountain

Scene7 It is not good for him to live for cooking. 料理が生きがいなんて、もったいない。
P How was school
E they say that school is for children
G It is not good for him to live for cooking

Scene8 When did you see the news? いつニュースみたの?
P Don't worry
E I forgot to watch the basketball game
G When did you see the news?

Scene9 It doesn't bother me at all. そんなにきにならないわよ。
P did you take uo jogging ジョギング始めたんだって?
E doesn't mind doing the housework 家事をいとわないでする。
G <接続詞 when> when I was working

Scene10 Shall we go out for ice cream? アイス食べにいかない?
P I'll try harder
E accoding to your teacher's comment
G shall we go out

Scene11 Where is the doubt in that? どこに疑問があるの?
P Sure. Where is the doubt in that?
E You used to say that...
G  I'm going to grow up

Scene12 Some of that vanilla pudding I used to make. 昔よく作っていたバニラプディング。
P Are there any eggs,
E It seems that Mr.Brown's shop closed.
G <過去進行形 was/were~ing> You were painting the bench outside ten minites ago...

Scene13 You should worry a little more about her. もう少しママのこと心配しなよ。
P I'm hungry
E She is likely to be back soon,
G <否定疑問文> Isn't mom home yet?

Scene14 I'm afraid I'm working. 残念だけど仕事中。
P I'm afraid I'm working
E I'm just about to go
G Does that mean you don't believe me?

Scene15 I can't help getting nervous. ナーバスになっちゃうよ。
P Sorry(文の最後につけていた)
E  I can't help getting nervous
G you mustn't worry about such things.



CDつき 今度こそ身につく英会話入門―一度覚えたら忘れないエピソード記憶術 (主婦の友ベストBOOKS)

  • 作者: 晴山 陽一
  • 出版社/メーカー: 主婦の友社
  • 発売日: 2010/07/02
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)